A World Like Ours
Friday, December 1, 2017, 9:05PM-10:45PM
Bad Dreams and Other Mindbinders Thrillers Block - Click here to purchase tickets!
Or click here to purchase full day pass OR here for economical TBUFF VIP Full Festival Passes!
Director: James Brummel
Category: Narrative Short
Runtime: 10
Place of Origin: Palisades Park New Jersey
Shooting Locations: Palisades Park New Jersey
Student's School: School of Visual Arts

Synopsis: (Drama) You're invited to a party...A Going Away Party!!! There'll be food and drink and games and a bored kid who stumbles on a handgun. I hope you can join us, it's sure to be a blast.

Cast: Starring: Raymond Alvin, Eddie Boroevich, Henry Kelemen, Thea McCarten

Crew: Writer: James Brummel; Producers: Nikolai Metin; Cinematographer: cinematographer Kevin Martin

Production Background & Fun Facts: No animals were killed or injured during the making of this film except for the ones at the wrap party and we ate those once it started raining.

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